
Tradução de junta para inglês


nome junta; committee; butt; join; seal; sharp joint; joint.


1. adjectivo put together; close; added; enclosed; adjoin; adjoined.
2. adjectivo gathered.


1. verbo to join; to add; to involve; to come together; to join together; to joint; to put together; to gather; to associate; to append; to assemble; to enclose; to amass; to amalgamate; to muster; to pocket; to adjoin; to herd; to conjoin; to gather together; to connect; to twin; to splice.
2. verbo to join; to add; to join together; to attach; to append; to associate; to enclose; to affix; to adjoin.
3. verbo to join; to gather; to put together; to amass; to fiel; to accumulate; to pack together; to adjoin.
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