
Tradução de audi alteram partem para inglês


verbo to change; to alter; to modify; to affect; to overturn; to vary; to adulterate; to twist; to tone; to mess up; to inflect; to turn into; to manage a change; to go stale; to warp; to contort; to deface; to denature; to disfigure; to spoil.


1. verbo to break; to crack; to take off; to break down; to fracture; to snap; to cut broke.
2. verbo to break; to split; to take off; to break through.
3. verbo to leave; to break; to set out; to set off; to depart; to head for; to move off; to shoot off; to get moving.
4. verbo to leave; to set out; to commence; to get moving.
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