
Tradução de corte-os para inglês


1. nome court.
2. nome following.
3. nome courting; wooing.
4. nome stable.
5. nome cut; cutting; score; carving; incision; scratch; notch; nick; severing; gash; incisure.
6. nome cutting; carving; cutting up; sharping.
7. nome [Escultura] hewing.
8. nome cut; reduction; clipping; suppression.
9. nome cutting up; slitting.
10. nome profile.
11. nome striking off.
12. nome cutout; cut-out.
13. nome [Jogos/Ludologia] division; overtrumping.
14. nome [Encadernação] cut edge.
15. nome division; overtrumping.


1. verbo to cut; to cut back; to sever; to carve; to chop; to cut up; to cut out; to sharp; to hit; to strike off.
2. verbo to cut; to sever; to cut out; to style; to sharp; to design.
3. verbo to cut; to nick; to notch.
4. verbo to cut; to cut back; to cut out; to cut up; to crop.
5. verbo [Medicina] to amputate.
6. verbo to cut; to gash.
7. verbo to cut out; to edit out.
8. verbo to cut down; to truncate; to whittle down.
9. verbo to cut short; to break off.
10. verbo to mince; to choice; to hash.
11. verbo to cut across; to go the quickest.
12. verbo [Desporto] to slice.
13. verbo to overtrump.
14. verbo to skive off.
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